La prohibición de la esclavitud y el trabajo forzado en México
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This paper it’s about slavery in Mexico legal history, focusing on the history of Mexico, which may be the direct antecedent of the new slavery that has arisen in the complex of human trafficking, espe- cially of women and children for its sexual exploitation, along with forced labor and other modern forms of personal exploitation. This paper show, first, how slavery is still present today, and is even increasing, and also, what would be the challenges in current law, affecting issues of life and death of individuals. The Mexican governments of the 20th century
guarded a protectionist attitude of the Indian without legal and legal support. However, the abuses, humiliation and carelessness with which the Indians have been treated are propitiators of great discontents. The condition of servitude in which the Indians have lived and are is very similar to slavery. The Indians in Mexico are no longer slaves, but they look it.
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