Aggression and victimization in gender violence Legitimate defense or revenge?

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Miguel Ángel Núñez Paz
Miguel Rojano García


The victim of the crime, obviusly, is no longer resigned to being a passive subject of the unlawful action, and to be excluded from the criminal response to the aggression suffered, except for the procedural power of the private prosecution. The procedural legal activity of the victim is not always relevant enough to restore the humiliation and injuries suffered. In an aggression maintained for a long time, a more immediate and effective response is understandable, if possible. And in the action-reaction dynamic, the controversy of the legality of the response usually arises. The right of self-defence, its strict normative regulation and its varied application —understood by the abundant casuistry— is not always received in
the jurisprudence with equal understanding.


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How to Cite
Núñez Paz, M. Ángel, & Rojano García, M. . (2021). Aggression and victimization in gender violence Legitimate defense or revenge?. Mexican Criminal Journal, 10(19), 59–78. Retrieved from


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