El retribucionismo categórico en la teoría kantiana de la pena

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Alejandro Nava Tovar


This article aims to explain the Kantian theory of punishment, based on what Immanuel Kant maintains in the Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (Die Metaphysik der Sitten), in order to know whether it is a retributionist theory or a mixed theory, as it is recently maintained by several authors. To carry out this objective, I read the main passages in which Kant alludes to criminal law and then I expose the philosophical-criminal reception that his theory has had recently. Finally, I conclude that a direct reading of Kant can hardly lead to a theory that is not retributionist.


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Nava Tovar, A. (2023). El retribucionismo categórico en la teoría kantiana de la pena. Mexican Criminal Journal, 12(22), 157–170. Retrieved from https://revistaciencias.inacipe.gob.mx/index.php/01/article/view/646


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