Terrorismo internacional: rasgos esenciales de su configuración
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The fact that terrorism is international does not modify the essence of its unlawful nature, for the conduct will be exhausted independently of its territorial extent, being in any case indispensable that at least the presence of three elements is checked out: i.e. the use of violence and the threat to carry it out —first element— with the aim to produce terror, fear, and uncertainty —second element—, and an accompanying state of instability in the political order —third element. The potential of its material harmfulness, the way it expresses itself, and its scope could change, but not the basic elements in its configuration. Although there is a consensus, even international, about this anti-juridical configuration, until now, after 16 years, in the United Nations it has not been possible to put together a regulating concept for international terrorism.
This lack of result originates seemingly from a disagreement of a political kind.
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