¿Sirve todavía para algo el principio de responsabilidad subjetiva? Hacia una nueva estructura del tipo penal.

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Patricia Esquinas Valverde


The principle of subjective liability, as it is recognized in the articles 5, 10, and 14 of the Spanish Criminal Code, assumes the impossibility of criminally punish a subject for a conduct or an adverse effect that was not committed with intent nor imprudence. Nowadays, this principle must be reinterpreted in the light of the objective imputation theory, and from the requirements that it demands at the time of imputing a conduct of an adverse effect to a subject. Concretely, this traditional condition of intent or imprudence must now be resolved by questioning whenever the concrete subject "has created a criminal relevant and disapproved risk" as the first requirement of the imputation theory. Taking this into account, the cases in which it cannot be noticed intent nor imprudence will indeed constitute examples where not even the creation of disapproved risk exists, in a way in which the conduct will not be typical, nor subjectively nor objectively. Therefore, we affirm the normative status, more than "objective" or "subjective", of the imputation type, and at the same time, abandoning this artificial distinction, we propose a new scheme about the typicity with a major economy in the number of levels at the analysis of the crime.


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Esquinas Valverde, P. (2018). ¿Sirve todavía para algo el principio de responsabilidad subjetiva? Hacia una nueva estructura del tipo penal. Mexican Criminal Journal, 8(14-15), 89–117. Retrieved from https://revistaciencias.inacipe.gob.mx/index.php/01/article/view/307


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