Por una convención internacional contra los ecocrímenes y un tribunal internacional del medioambiente

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Alejando L. de Pablo Serrano


This paper takes side with the adoption of an International Convention to sanction the most serious attacks against the global environment, in line with the proposals of civil society and the scientific community. We analyze the behaviors that should be prohibited in this convention: ecocide —the international environmental crime that gathers the most consensus—, the spoliation of natural resources and trasnational ecological crimes. In addition, we also study the question of the judicial authority with competence to investigate and judge these crimes: and various possibilities are examined: International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court and the creation of a new International Court for the Environment.


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de Pablo Serrano, A. L. (2021). Por una convención internacional contra los ecocrímenes y un tribunal internacional del medioambiente. Mexican Criminal Journal, 11(21), 63–80. Retrieved from https://revistaciencias.inacipe.gob.mx/index.php/01/article/view/580


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