Revisión bibliográfica para el análisis de etanol (alcohol etílico) en orina, humor vítreo y plasma en cadáveres

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Patricia Rivera-Flores
Rafael Uriel González-Lozano
Erika Jazmín Rebollar-López


The determination of ethanol is a frequent analytical practice, as it is involved in criminal acts. In the case of corpses, the ethanol dorsage becomes complicated, since the sample to be analyzed is insufficient or there is an absence of it, since they are not always in the same conditions, the sample may even be contaminated either by the state of the corpse or by an inadequate collection and storage of the sample (Gutiérrez, 2017), for which was sought in this work to summarize the relevant information of the possible biological matrices that could be present in a corpse to carry out a toxicological analysis.


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Rivera-Flores, P., González-Lozano, R. U., & Rebollar-López, E. J. (2022). Revisión bibliográfica para el análisis de etanol (alcohol etílico) en orina, humor vítreo y plasma en cadáveres. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 5(16), 189–211.
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