La neuropsicología como herramienta para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de víctimas de violencia física de pareja

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Isabel Rodríguez Ipiña
Jorge Alberto Guzmán Cortés


Violence against womenis a problem of great concern internationally, and in countries like Mexico the data are especially alarming. Physical violence stands out as one of the most common forms of violence, the recurrence of which can have negative effects on brain structure and function.  In this context, neuropsychology is presented as a scientific discipline that seeks to understand the relationship between psychological processes and the structure and function of the brain. In the specific case of physical violence against women, this perspective becomes relevant in the diagnosis and treatment of victims, as well as in its consideration in the forensic field.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Ipiña, I., & Guzmán Cortés, J. A. . (2023). La neuropsicología como herramienta para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de víctimas de violencia física de pareja. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 7(21), 21–42.
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Author Biography

Jorge Alberto Guzmán Cortés, Profesor Investigador en la Escuela Superior de Actopan-UAEH

Doctor en Psicología-Neurociencias de la Conducta-UNAM. Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo Escuela Superior de Actopan- UAEH. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 1. Perito oficial en material de neuropsicología.



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