Methodology of Field Criminalistics Applied to Latent Fingerprint Processing

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Carlos Chávez López


This academic article analyzes the stages of the general methodology of field criminalistics applied to the processing of latent lophoscopic prints at the site of forensic intervention. These are: search and location of clues, preservation, signage/identification, physical manipulation of evidence, provision of evidence and chain of custody, and processing in the laboratory. It is concluded that, although forensic lophoscopy follows the general methodology of field criminal investigation, there are complementary particularities which are associated with the selection of lophoscopic material, the analysis of the surfaces, the method and the processing techniques.


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How to Cite
Chávez López, C. (2024). Methodology of Field Criminalistics Applied to Latent Fingerprint Processing. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 8(24), 1–28.
Author Biography

Carlos Chávez López, Investigador independiente

Licenciado en Criminalística, Criminología y Técnicas Periciales



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