El denominado “dolo alternativo”: un caso entre el concurso de leyes y el de delitos

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Alfonso Galán Muñoz


The present paper analyses cases in which the person that follows not permitted acting is aware of the fact that his behaviour could conduce to a variety of possible criminal results, of similar or different nature, nonetheless is simultaneously convinced that only one of them will finally be produced. These cases represent so-called alternative dolus, subjective mode of acting against which the criminal law doctrine has still now not achieved any unanimously accepted solution, and thus serves to highlight these deficiencies that introduce concepts of dolus exclusively focused on the intellectual aspect, forgetting or disregarding the volitional.


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Galán Muñoz, A. (2013). El denominado “dolo alternativo”: un caso entre el concurso de leyes y el de delitos. Mexican Criminal Journal, 3(5), 141–164. Retrieved from https://revistaciencias.inacipe.gob.mx/index.php/01/article/view/164


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