Mandato de determinación de los tipos penales: una garantía en peligro

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Alex van Weezel


In a scenario of an expanding criminal law, it is essential to think again about the actual validity of the guarantee of typicality or order of determination of criminal types. This paper analyzes the two traditional foundations of the guarantee —the subjectivist thesis and the one that sees the order as an additional restriction of the punitive power of the state, and tests its ability to perform in the context of three cases recently solved by the Chilean Constitutional Court. The analysis leads to the conclusion that only the second foundation preserves the core of the guarantee, while the subjectivist thesis tends to dilute it through considerations of cognoscibility of the underlying duties in the criminal types from the standpoint of an average man. This effect is only intensified when the procedure in which a Constitutional Court is asked to rule on the compliance of a particular lay with the order of determination prevents the individuality of the accused from being addressed.


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van Weezel, A. . (2013). Mandato de determinación de los tipos penales: una garantía en peligro. Mexican Criminal Journal, 3(5), 207–216. Retrieved from


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