The defendants and the prison system in Mexico

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Abigail Gaytán Martínez


This article analyzes the advances made in neuroscience in recent years and the possibility that they impact criminal law in the traditional philosophical-legal conception that the guilt of the offender is based on the quality of acting with freedom of will. The foregoing, to determine whether the positions regarding the freedom of the will and the hypotheses of the research on
the brain find a correlation in Mexican criminal law. A prospective analysis is carried out to explore if the hypothetical neuroscience verifications, which would demonstrate that people sentenced as guilty were in fact unimpeachable, and the expansion of the cases of imputability and semi-imputability, would bring changes in the Mexican prison system


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How to Cite
Gaytán Martínez, A. . (2021). The defendants and the prison system in Mexico. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 4(13), 245–260.
Visions for the future



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