Derecho y control. La ideología de la defensa social

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José Zamora Grant


Understanding the origin of criminal law and how it was founded, allows us to understand in a sociohistorical account, the reasons for a criminal law such that today is at a crossroads, as Ferrajoli ex­plains between consecrating and repressing rights; one claim does not exclude the other, but the difference is one of the priorities, since when structuring public policies on crime in one sense or the other, the claim that remains in the background is diluted, extinguishing the possibility of guaranteeing rights for people involved in and facing criminal justice, for example, when the priority is punitive claims. Control by law has always affected the same people, generally in a vulnerable condition due to the social marginality to which they were exposed; marginality conditioned by the economic and with clear effects on the possibility of access to the enjoyment and exercise of rights such as health, education, development, etc., and also, to justice. In this sense, criminal law has served more to control poverty and dissent; control of those who have been left out of development and access to rights; Failing to guarantee such access has resulted in exacerbation of control over them.


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Zamora Grant, J. (2022). Derecho y control. La ideología de la defensa social. Mexican Criminal Journal, 11(20), 175–190. Retrieved from


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