Aproximaciones al estudio de las desapariciones forzadas e involuntarias: contextos sociales, enfoques teóricos, metodológicos y miradas disciplinarias

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Daniel Omar Mata Lugo


The context of violence that has been lived in Mexico for more than a decade has given rise to different approaches to the forms of violence derived from the war against drug trafficking. Particularly, in our country, an important interest in the public problem of disappearances has resurfaced. This article seeks to explain how and from what perspectives this phenomenon
has been addressed in the social sciences, and the ways in which it has been conceptualized. Although the exploration that was done here does not aspire to be exhaustive, it does seek to present a proposal of the axes and discussions seen in the subject.


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Mata Lugo, D. O. (2019). Aproximaciones al estudio de las desapariciones forzadas e involuntarias: contextos sociales, enfoques teóricos, metodológicos y miradas disciplinarias. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 2(8), 57–80. https://doi.org/10.57042/rmcp.v2i8.78
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