La cautela criminal en la era del acoso. Una lectura de Acoso de Marta Lamas

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Alejandro Nava Tovar


Sexual harassment against women is a problem that has occupied (and concerned) institutions, academia, and the media for a long time. This issue was fueled by the creation of the #MeToo movement in 2017. Among those who have objectively addressed the issue is Marta Lamas, who in 2018 published Acoso. ¿Denuncia legítima o victimización? There is a comprehensive analysis of that work in this article.


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How to Cite
Nava Tovar, A. (2020). La cautela criminal en la era del acoso. Una lectura de Acoso de Marta Lamas. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 3(11), 185–196.
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