False news legal implications human rights and access to justice implicaciones jurídicas derechos humanos y acceso a la justicia

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Ulrich Richter


Ulrich Richter is known in Mexico for being a high profile litigant who is dedicated to strategic litigation for instance, the demand to Google Inc., for moral damages, which established a transcendental precedent that any person can sue a transnational company in Mexico and access to justice. In this article, in addition to reporting the legal process that culminated in the submission of Google Inc. to the Mexican courts, it will be addressed one of the most important debates of today: the confrontation between the right to freedom of expression in opposition to the fake news and the disqualification of the human being. As well as the arrival of the new era of misinformation.


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How to Cite
Richter, U. (2018). False news legal implications human rights and access to justice: implicaciones jurídicas derechos humanos y acceso a la justicia. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 1(4), 155–174. https://doi.org/10.57042/rmcp.v1i4.33
Circumstances in the administration and administration of justice



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