Human Face Recognition and Spoken Portrait 4.0

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Luis Fernando Cuevas Remigio


Laboratory research indicates that the recognition of a face from a facial composite is extremely low. One of the reasons is that the construction of the facial composites does not approximate the processes of human face recognition. Neurophysiological and psychological research indicates that the natural way in which people perceive a face is through holistic processing, that is, as hole and not by individual features. The facial composite encourages error-prone featural face processing. In addition, verbal description of a face affects its subsequent recognition. New programing techniques with evolutionary algorithms and image processing have shown that facial composites can be built in a holistic way and excluding the verbal component.


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Cuevas Remigio, L. F. (2021). Human Face Recognition and Spoken Portrait 4.0. The Mexican Journal of Criminal Sicences , 4(13), 91–118.
Circumstances in the administration and administration of justice



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