Internal security - as a component of national security - is one of the fundamental axes for the consolidation of the rule of law; It guarantees peace and governance, in addition to allowing the creation of an environment conducive to the development of the economic, political and social activities of a country.
This is the fundamental axis for action against organized crime and terrorism, two of the criminal phenomena that most destabilize the order of the States.
Thus, the present issue of the Mexican Journal of Criminal Sciences aims to analyze internal security, as the central axis of Mexico's internal order, on the one hand, and the phenomenon of terrorism as one of the problems that most threaten national stability.
Thus, among the articles that this issue collects is the from Human Rights and Terrorism? Which makes an approach between both concepts through the relationship that exists between them. Throughout the text, the authors seek to eliminate the traditional perspective of the security-human rights binomial in order to argue that prevention constitutes the best measure to address the phenomenon of terrorism.
On the other hand, the author Arturo de Villanueva Martínez Zurita analyzes the criminal type of terrorism from the perspective of the investigation in the accusatory system. In this text, the author analyzes the substantive aspect in order to determine how it can be accredited.
Martín Alejandro Paz Campos, warns that terrorism, despite being a phenomenon that would seem foreign to our country, is a latent phenomenon that is important to know.
From the field of security, Eduardo Alberto Herrera Montes and Alberto Herrera Pérez make various reflections on the Internal Security Law, either from its constitutionality and legality, as well as the phenomena of human rights and local sovereignty. This article affects the current discussion on whether or not a law pertains to regulating the actions of the armed forces in public security activities with the aim of guaranteeing peace.
Regarding this, it is important to note that one of the arguments that justified the creation of the Internal Security Law was the low performance of the police, who have not been able to cope with the phenomena of crime.
Thus, the article "Measuring the performance of Citizen Security Programs in Mexico" seeks to deepen the capacity of public institutions in matters of citizen security to learn and improve their performance.
Published: 2020-06-22